Sunday, March 28, 2010

Benefits of Using ELMO Projector!!!!

Have you ever heard of an ELMO projector??? Well, the ELMO has been on the rise in the past few years and has become a new trend in today's classrooms. An ELMO stands for Electricity Light Machine Organization and it is the new digital projector that is installed on the ceiling. Ever since I can remember teachers have been using transparencies to workout problems on the overhead or they copy the reading onto the transparencies. I can remember my math teacher working on problems and smudging all across the transparency because their hand would smear the writing. Well, have no fear the ELMO will prevent this from happening. Don't worry about having to rush to make transparencies before class if you have something in your book that you want to show the class simply slide it underneath the projector. You can adjust the size of the picture as well it's very convenient for teachers. Above is a picture of some of the options that the ELMO does have when it is used. The projector shines on the wall so the size of the picture is big enough for everyone to see wherever they sit in the classroom. No more worries about having to switch transparencies or having to raise the transparency up so everyone can see it. It also has the option of being able to show the picture in different color to keep the students interest or to mix it up. These projectors can range in price from $500-$6000 it all depends on what type of projector you plan on purchasing for your classroom. Even though they are pretty expensive you can talk to your Principal and see if you can get a grant written or possibly do a fundraiser. The ELMO projector is a great addition to any classroom and can benefit students learning.

image from

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