Thursday, March 18, 2010

Education and Technology

Technology...... It's crazy to see the advancements in technology on a daily bases. As a society we are so focused on fast, convenient, and everything being quick and easy. That's why we see people always texting, listening to their Ipods, using the internet on their phone. I am amazed at how advanced we are as a society with technology. Every year it seems like students are getting more advanced in technology and when they come to the classroom they know so much more about this subject. In today's classroom there is a lot of new equipment that teachers are able to use to advance their students learning. Some of this equipment includes an Elmo reader, smart board, projector, and the new hot item a kindle e-book reader. The kindle reader is a portable e-book device thats from Amazon that provides wireless connectivity to Amazon for e-book downloads as well as Wikipedia and search engines. The kindle reader also includes a built in dictionary. The kindle reader can hold books, magazines, newspapers and blogs. For the kindle reader to function it uses an electronic ink monochrome display in order to allow people to see the book, newspaper, blog, and magazines on the screen. Can you imagine if you had one of these??? It would be great to be able to be reading a book and then you finished one and you wanted to read another one. You wouldn't have to go get another paperback book instead you would be able to look at all the books on your kindle reader to make a decision on what you wanted to read next. It's also very convenient when you travel because you wouldn't have to carry all these extra books and magazines. Instead the kindle reader will resolve all these problems for you and you would be able to carry just one thing. It's great for all ages because the font can be enlarged for beginner readers or for readers who struggle with reading the normal size font in a book. The kindle reader is pretty costly and can range in prices depending on where you get one from. If I had the money I would definitely invest in one for my future classroom. I think this would be a great resource for my students to be able to use or for me to use while reading them a book. I feel that the kindle reader is a very beneficial education tool that should be recommended to everyone.

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